Tag: gluten-free

Summertime, y México

As I lounge in a blissful resort in Playa del Carmen, the subconscious butts its head in and wonders why I’m not working. ‘Tis the curse of the digital nomad.

sun shining behind island

The second half

Is it so bad to age? 12 days on the Queen Mary 2 and four dozen gluten-free pastries later, I am happy to disagree.

Richard Bourdon stands in front of a tub of dough

The quest for gluten, part III: Richard the baker

Netflix meets reality as Alex and I step inside the inner sanctum of the Berkshire Mountain Bakery and meet the guru of gluten himself, Richard Bourdon. He spent over one and a half hours generously explaining to us his theories on the modern man and his diet. He also shared some starter for me to try.